Earn free hosting with contributions

Would you like to earn free hosting? If you are a technical writer or good at creating video tutorials and guides, we would love to thank your contributions to our YouTube channel and knowledge base with free hosting credits.

How does this work?

It’s actually very straight forward. If you notice an article missing from our knowledge base that you would like to contribute, you can write it and submit it to us for review. Once reviewed, we will add hosting credit to your account. Same thing goes if you create a video tutorial.
The amount of credit awarded depends on several factors:

  1. Content quality and uniqueness.
  2. Number of contributions.

This is not all the criteria, but it will help you earn significantly more. For example, if you write a whole detailed article with screenshots (and maybe even gifs), and it’s very well written, it will earn significantly more than a short article without any graphics. For example, a tutorial about configuring Ceph on Proxmox with a full write up and screenshots would earn more than the same tutorial without screenshots. But both of those would earn more than an article on how to login to WordPress. Make sense?

We don’t have a strict dollar value but in the past, it has ranged from $10 to $250 or more. It all depends on the quality and if we can use it!

What doesn’t qualify

Unfortunately, you can’t just submit an article and expect to get paid. We do a review on everything submitted.

  • Plagiarized articles from other providers (including screenshots).
  • Articles that we already have and don’t need updating or reworking.
  • Poorly written articles (you need to use proper grammar and spelling at the very least).
  • Articles you have posted elsewhere, including on other forums.
  • Topics that we just don’t cover. Like cryptocurrency mining.

How to submit

You can send an email with your article to [email protected] and let us know that it is a submission for our knowledge base. Make sure you send from your NodeSpace account email so we know where to apply credit. We’ll review your article and you’ll get a reply back within 3-5 business days (it takes time to review!) if we need you to make any changes or if it’s great and approximately how much we will award you!